Sound/Projection Licensing Rental Information

For pricing, contact me directly with details of your organization, theatre, or production.

All rentals are priced with the following strict disclaimer in mind:
  1. The package will include the sounds, music, cue plot, and an existing Qlab file for a specific past production (sound design), or imagery, video, cue plot, and an existing Watchout file for a specific past production (projection design).
  2. The package comes as-is. I will not send alternate content, or edit/re-program any content or show file. Understand that every production is different, and this package cannot anticipate your specific needs, and will not fulfill every single need. Note that this also means that the content will be in the resolution and layering/cueing scheme that was appropriate for the production in which it was originally designed, which may not match your existing system/production desires.
  3. Voiceovers/actor's likeness will not be included and are not to be used, as they contain Actor’s Equity performances. You/I cannot secure the rights.
  4. The design and package contains copyrighted material.
    1. As part of the rental agreement, you have my permission to use all sound effects, music, and content which was created by Joe Payne for a single production run only.
    2. The rental of this design does not give or imply to give permissions to use ANY previously published music or content for your production. YOU are responsible for securing the rights to use previously published content contained in the rental package, or repercussions for not obtaining said rights. Content that has not been cleared (not created by Joe Payne) will be clearly labeled/listed/discussed.
  5. I will be supplying content for your production, but I am not the designer for your production, and should not be listed as such.  If you would like me to be the designer for your production, contact me, and we can discuss contract, dates, and fees
Note: The use of Joe Payne's original copyrighted material is for the specified production run only.  Any further use or distribution is in violation of copyright and contract.
Rental of any content from Joe Payne does not give the renter license to use any copyrighted material, except music written by Joe Payne and imagery created by the same. It is up to the renter to obtain permissions to use all copyrighted material in their production.

All content or programming modifications required by Joe Payne will require extra payment/fee to be determined when a request is made.

Thank you for your interest, and please contact me with any questions or concerns.

Paying the Design Rental Fee is implicit agreement to the terms above.
Copyright © 1996-2023 by Joe Payne. All Rights Reserved. ◼︎◉